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Merit Award System

The System of Praise and Lack of Effort

We operate this system in order to reward and promote pupils who attain the high expectations.

The benefits of the system are:

  • the pupil will be rewarded immediately by a teacher who recognises good work, or a particularly praiseworthy effort.
  • a teacher can reward a pupil in front of his/her classmates.
  • a subject teacher can reinforce the standard that are acceptable in the classroom.
  • the stickers are placed in pupil's homework diaries to show to others (parents, Form Tutor, Year Tutor).
  • the system promotes quick feedback on pupil's classwork and homework and this should stimulate them to maintain and raise the standard of their work.

Awarding Praise Points

  • work which is in accordance with the pupil's potential.
  • the results of a test or assessment where it is clear that the pupil's made an effort to revise the work.
  • completing homework on time and accurate work beyond the expected standard.
  • practical work of a high standard or evidence preparation and planning
  • presenting course work on time and in accordance with the pupil's full potential.
  • raising and maintaining standards in a subject.

Subject specific criteria will be displayed in the classrooms. the aim is to reward effort as well as attainment.

Every department will note the criteria that are relevant to them.

Praise points should not be awarded for the following:

  • homework that is on time but incomplete.
  • classwork that has been completed but shows a lack of effort.
  • work that is of a good standard but that is not presented on time.

We will also award pupils with certificates often:

Cymreictod:   This certificate awards pupils attitude the language.

Parch:  This is for showing respect to others and to themselves and their work generally.

Uchelgais:  This is to celebrate achievements either in extra curricular activities or subjects.

Lack of Effort

Teachers will be able to draw attention to lack of effort by writing a note in the diary for parents or by deducting points on the system.

The cooperation of parents here will be very important.