Chairperson: Mr Robert Evans
Vice Chairperson: Mr Geraint Evans
Clerk to the governors: Mrs Charlotte Dechamps Evans
See the Governing Body Annual Report 2023-24 here
There are 21 members on the Governing Body
- Heateacher
- 6 Parent Governors
- 2 Teacher Representitives
- 1 Cynnal Staff Representitive
- 6 AALl Representitives
- 5 Co-opted Representitives
Function | Name | Term coming to an end |
Headteacher | Rhys Angell Jones | |
Parent Governers | Mr John-Paul Barker | 06/10/24 |
Mrs Sally-ann Efstathiou | 06/10/24 | |
Mr Rhodri Jones | 06/10/24 | |
Mr Rhodri Lewis | 06/10/24 | |
Mrs Cathy Williams | 06/10/24 | |
Teacher Representitives | Miss Ffion Williams | 08/09/25 |
Miss Stephanie Johns | 09/09/26 | |
Support Staff Representitives | Mrs Lauren Tabernacle | 22/10/25 |
AALl Representitives | Mr Robert Evans | 18/10/24 |
Mr Geraint Evans | 18/10/24 | |
Mr Dulyn Griffith | 18/10/24 | |
Mrs Maxine Griffiths | 15/01/23 | |
Mr Huw Llewellyn-Morgan | 18/10/24 | |
Cllr Mr Steffan Wiliam | 18/10/24 | |
Co-opted Representitives | Mr Carl Brown | 10/06/25 |
Mrs Anne-Louise Llewellyn-Morgan | 01/09/24 | |
Dr Paul Orders | 01/09/24 | |
Mr Warren Scott | 01/09/24 | |
Stakeholder Engagement Committee
Stakeholder Engagement Committee
Sally-ann Efstathiou (Chairperson)
Rhys Angell Jones, Nia Rowlands, Warren Scott Heledd Lewis, Ffion Williams, Maxine Griffiths, Lauren Taebrnacle, Cathy Williams, Prif Sywddogion.
Charlotte Dechamps Evans(Clerk)
To ensure a coherent approach to stakeholder engagement across the school and within the wider community.
To ensure that the success of the school is marketed to key stakeholders and within the wider community
To enable better planning and more informed policies, projects, programs and services.
To position the wider community at the heart of the schools ethos.
To coordinate effective collaboration, partnerships and knowledge sharing.
To communicate the schools commitment to engaging with its stakeholders.
Between three and eight members of the governing body, with voting rights.
The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be not less than three members with voting rights.
Terms of Reference of the Committee
- To identify key stakeholders with whom the school and governing body should engage.
- To develop and maintain constructive relationships with key stakeholders.
- To consult, inform, collaborate and empower key stakeholders in furtherance of the best interests of the school.
- In conjunction with the SMT, proactively market the school.
- To liaise with and foster development with the Parent / Teacher Association in particular.
- To provide better awareness of stakeholder concerns and bring such concerns to the attention of the governing body.
- To identify opportunities to involve stakeholders in the development and delivery of policies, projects, programs and services.
- To recognise and report early warnings of potential problems.
- To assist the SMT and governing body in risk management strategies.
- To develop long term and trusting relationships.
A written record should be kept of the meeting of the committee including details of those present. The minutes should be submitted to the next full governing body meeting through the Clerk to the governing body.
Convening meetings
A meeting shall be convened at the request of the Chair or the Headteacher as and when required.
In the case of a tied vote, the chair of the committee shall have a second or casting vote.
Curriculum & Standards Committee
Curriculum & Standards Committee
Cathy Williams (Chairperson)
Rhys Angell Jones, Catrin Bennett, Dulyn Griffith, Warren Scott, Ffion Williams Rhodri Jones, Rhodri Lewis.
Sian Jones (Clerk)
To discuss and agree policies aimed at ensuring the creation of a school ethos, which meets the school’s objectives as outlined in the school’s mission statement.
To discuss and agree policies and strategies which enable the school to effectively monitor pupil performance and plan for the realisation of each individual pupil’s potential.
To discuss and agree policies with aims to improve standards and enable more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the governing body’s responsibility to maintain a relevant and up-to-date curriculum policy.
To make appropriate comments and recommendations on curriculum matters to the governing body on a regular basis, taking into account any representations from the local community and in consultation with the Headteacher.
Between three and eight members of the governing body, with voting rights.
This committee may decide, from time to time, to allow additional people to attend meetings at which particular items of business are to be considered. Such people, however, will not have voting rights.
The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be 50% of the members present at the committee.
Terms of Reference of the Committee
- To plan, monitor and review the academic and pastoral arrangements of the school in order to ensure that the school maintains and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the aims of the school and the requirements of the National Curriculum.
- To consider the LEA’s curriculum policy statement and to make recommendations to the governing body on the adoption of these for the school, with or without modification.
- To prepare the school’s formal statement of curriculum aims, for inclusion in the annual report for parents and in the school’s prospectus, and to ensure publication of the statement.
- To advise the governing body on curricular matters including the implementation of the National Curriculum.
- To make recommendations for updating the school development plan on a regular basis, including the setting of performance targets.
- To monitor the effectiveness of all the school's curriculum policies and make recommendations to the full governing body for changes where appropriate including:-
- the school’s policy on sex education
- the school's policy on charging and remissions
- the school’s policy on special educational needs
- arrangements for daily act of collective worship and provision of religious education
- To receive reports and make proposals on the curriculum and teaching and learning needs of the school, including arrangements for examinations and the assessment of pupil’s progress, and for providing information on attainment and progress.
- To liase with and receive reports form other committees, as appropriate, and to make recommendations to those committees on curriculum matters being considered by them.
- To establish close and effective liaison with members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team and teaching and support staff.
- To consider and give advice on any matter involving the curriculum referred to it by the governing body.
Functions retained by the governing body
The governing body must:-
- Consider the LEA’s Policy Statement and its modification if appropriate.
- Ensure the National Curriculum is implemented.
- Decide what sex education is provided and, where provided, to ensure that there is due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life.
- Ensure that religious education and daily collective worship are provided and ensure adequate arrangements are made.
- Decide the times of the school sessions.
- Take action to forbid political indoctrination in schools, and to secure balanced treatment of political issues.
Finance & Resources Committee
Finanace & Resource Committee
Huw Llewellyn-Morgan, (Chairperson),
Rhys Angell Jones, Steffan Wiliam, Dulyn Griffith, Geraint Evans, Rob Evans, Cathy Williams, John-Paul Barker
Charlotte Dechamps (Clerk)
To enable more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the governing body’s responsibility to ensure sound management of the school’s finances and resources, including proper planning, monitoring and probity.
To enable more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the governing body’s responsibilities in exercising, on behalf of the LEA, those powers of the employer which are delegated to the governing body.
To make appropriate recommendations on staffing matters to the governing body on a regular basis.
To enable detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the governing body’s responsibility to maintain and develop the premises and grounds of the school and to make appropriate recommendations.
Between three and eight members of the governing body, with voting rights.
This committee may decide, from time to time, to allow additional people to attend meetings at which particular items of business are to be considered. Such people however, will not have voting rights. (It is suggested that the non-voting members of this committee comprise3 up to two people with an appropriate financial background).
The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall not be less than three of the members with voting rights.
Terms of Reference of the Committee
1. To prepare each year a budget plan and options, including the use and level of any contingency fund or balances, in consultation with the Headteacher, for consideration by the governing body, ensuring that the recommendations are compatible with the school development plan and to prepare the financial statement to form part of the annual report of the governing body to parents.
2. To monitor and review expenditure and to ensure the effective use of resources and compliance with the school budget, drawing any matters of concern to the attention of governing body.
3. To contribute to the formulation of the school development plan, considering financial priorities and proposals, in consultation with the Headteacher, which are compatible with the agreed aims and objectives of the school.
4. To receive reports and proposals on the financial and resource needs of the school, as well as requests for specific items of expenditure and make recommendations to the governing body.
5. To make recommendations on the governing body’s policy for the pay and renumeration of all categories of staff employed to work in the school.
6. To receive reports and proposals and to make recommendations, in consultation with the Headteacher, on the size, structure, mix and composition of the staffing establishment of the school, in accordance with the priorities set out in the school development plan, the curriculum policy and budgetary resources established by the governing body.
7. To consider and make recommendations on all matters relating to the needs of the premises and grounds of the school in consultation with the Headteacher.
8. To develop and monitor the operation of the school’s Health and Safety Policy in order to safeguard the health and safety of employers, pupils and visitors to the school, and to make recommendations to the governing body.
Responsibilities of the Headteacher
1. Formula of initial proposals and recommendations for maters relating to Finance, Staffing and Premises.
2. Day to day responsibility for matters relating to Finance, Staffing and Premises in accordance with policies and priorities of the governing body, providing that any expenditure can be met from the agreed budget. This includes establishing acting or temporary appointments to a maximum of one year where necessary.
3. Provision of reports, information and professional advice on a regular basis at least once a term.
4. Maintenance of regular contact with the chair of the sub-committee particularly over any matters of significance or potential controversy
Finance retained by the Governing Body
The governing body must approve or otherwise the recommendations of the Committee
Appointment of Chair and Clerk
The appointment of the chair of the committee and the clerk shall be determined by the committee and should be reviewed at the first meeting of the committee in the school year.
A written record should be kept of the meeting of the committee including details of those present. The minutes should be submitted to the next full governing body meeting though the clerk to the governing body.
Conveying Meetings
The committee will meet as often as necessary to fulfil its responsibilities and at least once each school term.
A meeting shall be convened at the request of the chair, the Headteacher, or any two members of the committee.
In the case of an equality of votes, the chair of the committee shall have a second or casting vote.
Urgent Decisions
In the event of a need to make genuinely urgent decisions between meetings on matters falling within the remit of the committee, the chair of the governors (in consultation with the Headteacher, the chair of the committee and such other governors as deemed appropriate) can take appropriate action on behalf of the committee. The decision taken and the reasons for urgency will be explained fully at the next meeting of the committee and of the governing body.
Expenditure over £20,000 would need to be approved by committees before expenditure. In the event of a need to make an urgent decision the Chair of committees or Chair of Governors would need to approve before expenditure.
Petty Cash
The agreed maximum of any single transaction authorised from Petty Cash is £30.
The transfer of budgeted funds from an unspent appropriation category to another in order to allow greater flexibility in the use and management of its resources will be permitted with the noted approval of the Chair and Headteacher on the limits below. This to be managed in conjunction with the Head teacher and Business Manager.
Virement Limits
- £5,000 – Head to approve
- £5,000 – Chair of Finance Committee or Chair of Governors & Headteacher
Wellbeing & Support Committee
Wellbeing & Support Committee
Anne-Louise Llewellyn-Morgan (Chairperson),
Rhys Angell Jones, Cathy WIlliams; Sally-ann Efstathiou, Carl Brown, Charlotte Lewis, Stephanie Johns, Nia Rowlands, David Morgan, Prif swyddogion.
Charlotte Dechamps Evans (Clerk)
To enable more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the governing body’s responsibility to distribute support and leadership on behalf of the wellbeing of our pupils.
To discuss and agree upon policies in which the school ethos is created, agreeing on school objectives according to what is outlined in the school’s mission statement.
Between three and six members of the governing body including at least 3 governors that are also parents.
This committee may decide, from time to time, to allow additional people to attend meetings at which particular items of business are to be considered. Such people however, will not have voting rights.
The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be 50% of the members present at the committee.
Terms of Reference of the Committee
- Support the Headteacher by distributing policies and effective procedures in order to support and leadership to pupils.
- Review and give recomendations to the Governing Body about their poilcy on pupil behaviour, including arrangements regarding bullying, reward and punishment systems, excluding pupils and pastoral care.
- Providing Governing Body representation at the School Council.
- To make recommendations for updating the school development plan on a regular basis, including the setting of performance targets.
- To liase with and receive reports form other committees, as appropriate, and to make recommendations to those committees on curriculum matters being considered by them.
- To establish close and effective liaison with members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team and teaching and support staff.
- To consider any matter involving pupil’s wellbeing referred to it by the governing body.
Functions retained by the governing body
The governing body must:-
- Consider the LEA’s Policy Statement and its modification if appropriate.
- Ensure the National Curriculum is implemented.
- Decide the policy on raising pay and raising pay for activities
- Agree on general pricinples of pupil discipline.
Responsibilities of the Headteacher
- Organise and manage the school internally including forming rules and procedures for good standards for pupil behaviour according to the policy determined by the Governing Body.
- Decide which pupils can be partially/completely officially excused from the National Curriculum.
Appointment of Chair and Clerk
The appointment of the chair of the committee and the clerk shall be determined by the committee and should be reviewed at the first meeting of the committee in the school year.
A written record should be kept of the meeting of the committee including details of those present. The minutes should be submitted to the next full governing body meeting through the clerk to the governing body.
Conveying Meetings
The committee will meet as often as necessary to fulfil its responsibilities and at least once each school term.
A meeting shall be convened at the request of the chair, the Headteacher, or any two members of the committee.
In the case of an equality of votes, the chair of the committee shall have a second or casting vote.
Urgent Decisions
In the event of a need to make genuinely urgent decisions between meetings on matters falling within the remit of the committee, the chair of the governors (in consultation with the Headteacher, the chair of the committee and such other governors as deemed appropriate) can take appropriate action on behalf of the committee. The decision taken and the reasons for urgency will be explained fully at the next meeting of the committee and of the governing body.