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Welcome to the Llygad y Dydd class web page!

Miss R Townsend-Ryan is our teacher this year with the help of Miss M Burne, Miss C Reed and Miss T Turner. Mrs Z Atkins teaches us every other Tuesday. This year there are 29 happy and enthusiastic pupils in our class. We love to learn through working hard, playing and experimenting! Our theme this term is 'What a Wonderful World!'

General Information:

  • Physical Education: We have two physical education sessions each week (Monday and Wednesday). Your child will need a house T-shirt, dark shorts and trainers. (Please ensure that every item of clothing is labelled including their P.E. bag). Kit remains at school until the end of every half term.
  • Milk and Fruit: We love our daily snack time and kindly ask for a contribution of 20p a day. Please pay via ParentPay.
  • Forest School: Please ensure your child has a pair of old wellingtons and an old rain coat at school in order to make the most of these sessions in all weathers! 


To catch up with what's going on in our classroom follow @MissRTRyan on Twitter (X).